Hot foot videos and... LIVE feet on cam!
Katherine Kelly is the star of an episode from "The Visit". She's visiting a guy in jail and she gives him the time of his life rubbing his crotch under the table with her sexy feet!
In the movie "Descent", Rosario Dawson rubs a guy's back with her feet in a truly erotic way.
Before leaving you with the videos, i just want to add something. Recently i've started cooperating closely with a live videochat site. The reason i agreed on helping them is that they are trying to create the first foot fetish live cam site on the web! In order to do so they asked me to help them (in technical stuff and, more important, in writing some articles for the girls). So, if you want, i kindly ask you to visit it ( and tell me your impressions (perhpas joining it too, as it's free). I think it's a really great idea...but i'm leaving up to you the final judgement. Just be sure to let me know your ideas about it... because if there is anything you would like to see there... i might be able to make it happen ;-)